WebID Solutions
App Authentication

Market coverage

  • Global
  • Quick and legally compliant: Digital signatures with WebID QES produce legally binding contracts within seconds.

  • Strong conversion: The product allows for a process that is completed entirely online.

  • User-friendly: WebID QES is easy to use and suitable for all devices.

  • Worldwide: The product can be used from anywhere in the world.

  • Data Protection: WebID QES is compliant with the required data protection rules and regulations.

With WebID QES, legally binding contracts can be signed online. A qualified electronic signature (QES) is used to complete the signing process. It fulfils the legal requirement of the so-called written form. This way, digitally signed contracts – such as installment loans, rental agreements, leasing contracts or purchase contracts – are equally binding and legally compliant as documents signed by hand.

To ensure to highest possible safety standard when signing contracts digitally, a legally compliant identification is included in WebID QES. This process can be completed with any web-enabled device with a camera and a microphone.

The online signature with WebID QES is completed in three simple steps:

  1. After successful identification, the user is directed to the contract page.
  2. They then examine the contract document and accept the terms of use.
  3. After entering the TAN and confirming, the contract is legally signed with the qualified electronic signature (QES), which substitutes the requirement for the written form.

Different options for integration are possible, depending on the technical environment and specific processes involved.

About the provider

WebID Solutions GmbH is one of the largest companies and innovators in the areas of digital identities (True Identity), online signature processes in conformity with the law and identification products in Europe. The company was founded in 2012. Due to its invention, WebID is a pioneer in the segment of video identification in conformity with the German Money Laundering Act (Geldwäschegesetz). The company offers its customers tailor-made solutions for online legitimisation – from age verification to video identification and online contracts.

The company is the inventor of the video identification (according to the first approval of the Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF), the German ministry of finance, worldwide, and based on the BaFin circular 1/2014 (GW) III. and 3/2017 (GW)) and is holder of numerous patents for legally compliant online identification products using a video call. Until today, WebID has verified more than 150 million data fields of users and identified them. WebID has around 680 employees – 600 of which verify over 10.000 users a day on 365 days of the year.

WebID products fulfil high safety standards and are in conformity with legal requirements. The global company is currently expanding into the USA and India. Some clients include: ABN AMRO (moneyou), Allianz, AMAG, Barclaycard, BAWAG-Group, BNP Paribas, Check24, Deutsche Bank, DKB, ING, MMOGA, Postbank, Santander, Sparda-Banken, Swisscom, Targobank, Trade Republic, Vodafone and many more.